Thursday, February 7, 2013


What for i'm trying so hard to save money from my daily life, 
yet in your eyes i'm still the one who loves to spend a lot of money???
Quoted from my mum:
"You always lost your thing 
(the example she gave is my 7 years ago my first camera phone SE K810i),
so u don't need good stuff.."
Since i'm going to get crowned "Child-of-spending-lots-of-money" no matter how
i might as well really spend lots of your money
otherwise it is too unfair for me 
and i can't get myself used to this kind of judgement..
so give me your wallet, i won't be mercy..

Quotes of the day: You always lost your thing, so u don't need good stuff..

Lesson of the day: Since i felt so imbalance for the difference between my mum's attitude to me and to my little bro.. i might as well fight for your love to me.. although it may not be significant, even if it means my absence in this family or your attention might appear not so sincere and origins from bottom of your heart.. it would be worth for me, or at least worth for 1 second satisfaction, peaceful, balance, joy of winning in my heart.

为什么我在自己生活中那么节制自己的开销, 拼命省钱
那么作践自己, 那么糟蹋我自己
不然这样蒙白受委屈, 我都快瞧不起我自己了
把你的钱包给我吧, 我不会手软也不会心软的..

一日一醒觉:既然我对于妈妈的爱有所意见.. 与其站在一边自己哭和羡慕嫉妒, 倒不如主动争取你对我的爱多一点.. 我不知道会不会有所改变, 或者我在你心中更加卑微, 或者争取到的爱并不是发自心底深处的真诚.. 但至少值得, 为了我心中只有那么一秒的满足, 公平, 宁静, 胜利,喜悦和快感, 我觉得值得..

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